Friday, July 29, 2011

Create a Free Blog

One of the hottest things to hit the Internet since ... Windows; Weblogs? It seems like anytime you speak with someone about the Internet the word "blog" comes up. So what is so special about them and how can you create a free blog?

Lets start by talking about what exactly a blog is and talk a little about how they came about. The word 'Blog' comes from the word 'Weblog' which was coined by Jorn Barger in 1997. The beginning of free blogs was sometime in the early 90's when people would make a running journal of their lives. In the mid 90's it began to be a little more popular and as of November 2006 there were an estimated 60 Million free blogs that people had created!!!!

So why do millions of people do this? Of course one person has a different reason than the other but I think most do it for fun. You can create a free blog on just about any topic from health to business to se_. You can use them as a reference for yourself, to show family or friends and/or to make money blogging .

You do not have to know anything at all about Internet Marketing, html or anything else to start one. When you hear the phrase "Free Blog" you do not have to worry about any hidden cost like most things that are advertised as free. You REALLY do not need any money at all to start one.

So how do you start a free blog? All you have to do is go to a blog provider like or and sign up, that's it! They walk you through it and it is actually very easy.

So how can I make money after I create my free blog? The easiest way to do this is to sign up for Google Adsense and place google ads on your blog. The ads will automatically show up with relevant ads to your site. Every time someone clicks on one of them you get paid.

The amount of money you make from each click depends on how much the advertiser paid google to show their ad. You will notice that markets that tend to generate more money will pay better. For instance, real estate and debt consolidation websites normally generate over a dollar per click, where a tourism site may only generate 30 cents on average. Another way to make money with a free blog is to promote affiliates.

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